Granular and Fine Flour


Standard potato flakes are among the most well-known and widely used potato products available. Their colour can vary as per the variety of potato and ingredients in the flakes and when reconstituted, have the dry, mealy texture and delicious flavor that consumers expect from freshly cooked mashed potatoes. They belong atop any list of all-purpose ingredients for use in food service, bakery and general food manufacturing.


Put simply, potato flour is cooked, dried, ground potatoes with no additives. Yet, while potato flour may look like finely ground potato flakes, the two products are very different. True potato flour produces a stickier product when liquid is added and is best used in small amounts to extend other flours. As far as particle size goes, granular potato flour will pass through a 40 mesh, or 420 micron, screen, while fine flour passes through an 80 mesh, or 177 micron, screen.

Additional information


Don't rehydrate potato flour as a standalone product unless preparing a gruel. Potato flour isn't suitable for making mashed potatoes, either. It is best used as an ingredient. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for the dehydrated product you're using, as rehydration specifications may vary.


Rehydrated Texture : Very sticky
Free Soluble Starch : Very high
Viscosity : High
Water Absorption : High
Cell Damage : Very high
Additive : Typically none